Pierdomenico baccalario biography

Pierdomenico baccalario biography Pierdomenico Baccalario was born in Acqui Terme, Italy, in He studied law in university, but he continued to write, a passion that he had had since high school, and published his first book, ′′La strada del guerriero′′ in The book was popular in Italy but was never translated into English.
Pierdomenico baccalario biografia Baccalario es autor de novelas juveniles de aventuras de corte histórico y fantástico, destacando, sobre todo, por su serie de Los guardianes del tiempo o Ulysses Moore, una de las más .
Pierdomenico Baccalario was born in Acqui Terme, Italy, in He studied law in university, but he continued to write, a passion that he had had since high school, and published his first book, ′′La strada del guerriero′′ in The book was popular in Italy but was never translated into English.
Pierdomenico Baccalario grew up in an old house with a library containing more than 20, volumes.

Pierdomenico Baccalario - Books, Biography, Contact Information

  • Follow Pierdomenico Baccalario and explore their bibliography from 's Pierdomenico Baccalario Author Page.
  • Pierdomenico Baccalario životopis | Databáze knih
  • Pierdomenico baccalario biography

  • Pierdomenico Baccslario je italský spisovatel, který píše dobrodružné romány hlavně pro chlapce. Publikoval řadu knih, fantasy románů pro děti, přeloženy do osmnácti jazyků. Novinář a Missing: biography.
  • pierdomenico baccalario biography
    1. Pierdomenico baccalario biography Pierdomenico Baccalario has been writing children’s novels since , when he won the Il Battello a Vapore literary prize with La strada del Guerriero (The Way of the Warrior) using his .
      Pierdomenico baccalario biografia Baccalario es autor de novelas juveniles de aventuras de corte histórico y fantástico, destacando, sobre todo, por su serie de Los guardianes del tiempo o Ulysses Moore, una de las más .
      Pierdomenico Baccalario was born in Acqui Terme, Italy, in He studied law in university, but he continued to write, a passion that he had had since high school, and published his first book, ′′La strada del guerriero′′ in The book was popular in Italy but was never translated into English.
      Pierdomenico Baccalario grew up in an old house with a library containing more than 20, volumes.

    Pierdomenico Baccalario životopis | Databáze knih

  • Follow Pierdomenico Baccalario and explore their bibliography from 's Pierdomenico Baccalario Author Page.
  • Pierdomenico baccalario biografia
  • Pierdomenico baccalario biografia

  • Baccalario es autor de novelas juveniles de aventuras de corte histórico y fantástico, destacando, sobre todo, por su serie de Los guardianes del tiempo o Ulysses Moore, una de las más .
  • Pierdomenico baccalario biography